Marlborough Nelson West Coast Area at Marlborough Equestrian Park 24 to 27 April 2025

 The Cross Country will be held at Trish and Chris Redwoods in Sneddon.

Annually, the NZPCA Eventing Championships take place at various locations throughout the country.

NB: Only Rule change from the NZPCA Oct 2022 regulations is the DC age. It is now:

  • DC Division NZPC 105: Riding Members 20 years and under as at the 1st August preceding the Competition.

Timberlands Teams Event: Click here

​​​​​​​Bruce Forbes Teams Event: Click here

Springston Trophy website  Click here ​​​​​​​

NZPCA Eventing runs under ESNZ Eventing rules, however also read annex 5 of the ESNZ rules as it outlines any variation to rules for NZPCA events.